Herbed Potato Salad

Surely there are a few other people out there like myself who are terrified of mayonnaise. If that's true for you, you will love this summer recipe!

1 1/2 pounds potatoes, cubed into bit sized pieces

2 green garlic stalks, chopped finely

4 scallions, chopped finely

2 tsp dill (fresh or dried)

1 bunch finely chopped parsley (optional)

salt and pepper

3 TBSP olive oil

1 TBSP lemon juice

1 TBSP red wine vinegar

1 TBSP spicy mustard

1/2 tsp maple syrup

Steam potatoes for about 8-12 minutes, or until just able to pierce with a fork. (Try not to overcook.) Meanwhile, whisk together all the other ingredients. Combine with potatoes in a bowl and enjoy!


Roasted Garlic Scapes


Pasta Salad with Chard