Carrot Top Garlic Scape Pesto

Carrot tops have a taste similar to parsley. They are packed with nutrients and worth enjoying, UNLESS you are breastfeeding. Carrot tops help reduce milk production in lactating mammals, so skip this recipe if you are a lactating parent. We spray down the carrots themselves, so the tops are worth rewashing at home to make sure they are fully free of dirt/sand if you don’t want that texture in your pesto!

  • 1 bunch carrot tops

  • 1 bunch garlic scapes

  • 1/2 cup olive oil

  • 3/4 cup nuts or seeds (We use sunflower seeds because they work great and they cost much less than nuts, but any seed or nut will do. Add extra flavor by pre-toasting whatever nut or seed you will use.)

  • 1/2 cup grated parmesan (This is completely optional. We always make our pesto dairy free, but if you eat cheese in your life, this is an excellent addition.)

  • 1/8 cup lemon juice

  • 1 tsp salt

  • additional water, olive oil, or lemon juice as needed

Break the carrot tops and scapes up enough to fit in a food processor or blender. Add the olive oil, and blend until the scapes are roughly chopped. (They take the longest to blend, so I often give them a head start.) Add all the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Add some water, olive oil, or lemon juice to reach your desired consistency. Serve on everything: pasta, sandwiches, omelets, frittatas, tacos, rice, salads, crackers…


Grilled Bok Choi


Rhubarb Chutney